Laboratory Tests


The essence of swelling measurements is to ascertain the maximum swelling capacity of gels to determine its ability to swell and plug reservoir fractures and high permeability matrices.

Swelling ratio= (Ws-Wd)/Wd

Amount of dry PPGs powder (Wd)

Final weight after Swelling (Ws).

2-Syneresis Analyses:

uDry PPGs powder (Wd)  added into a 50 ml test tube filled injection or production water.

uWhen swelling complete, filter paper and measured  weight of swelled PPGs(Ws).

uBottled swollen PPGs were poured produced brine tubes, tubes sealed, the level marked and aged in an oven at RESERVOIR  TEMPEREATURE.

The level marked monitored daily.

The ones lost of the original volume removed  from oven and called syneresed.

The particle’s samples which passed the syneresis test for 180 days were selected for investigation of salinity, temperature and pH effect on swelling ratio.

3-Rheology Analyses:

PPGs which passed the syneresis test had been swolled completely at room temperature  in I.W and aged for 24 hours at reservoir temperature at connate water.

Specific size were cut to fit the rheometer plate and  viscoelastic properties of films were measured at 25 °C.

An Anton Paar MCR-501 rheometer (Graz, Austria) was used to measure storage  and loss  moduli at constant angular frequency while varying the strain from 0.01 to 100%.


Parameters that tests at laboratory:

1.Viscosity of PPG

2.Retention of PPG in porous media

3.Resistance factor and Residual resistance factor


The application of this parameters as a ruler when PPG injected into the well.